Thursday, March 31, 2011

Character Descriptions

We have been learning to write a detailed character description. We chose to describe our principal, Mr Reed. When Room 8 presented the school assembly last week, we created a movie about our descriptions to share with our school.

How do the lives of others' differ from ours?

We are viewing a range of clips that show the different lives of people around the world. We watched a clip about a China Sweatshop for the large corporation: Nike. We thought about two questions;

What is their everyday life like?
Would you be smiling if this was your future?

We have also been discussing lately the expectations we have for our future. This is what we came up with:
- not to be controlled or pushed around
- be able to choose my own job, not have it chosen for me
- be a dancer
- go to university and get a degree
- have the opportunity to go do further study
- have enough money to study
- travel the world - go where I want to go
- go to the olympics
- have my own pets
- have my own money in my control
- fast cars
- be able to play sport, play in parks, field
- be an All Black
- have enough food, money to buy food
- spa and swimming pool
- clean and fresh water
- own a house
- have my own clothes,
- keep warm and healthy
- shoes on my feet
- be able to communicate around the world
- be able to buy what I need to live
- drivers license


Sunday, March 27, 2011

Friday, March 11, 2011

Weetix Tryathlon 2011

Students in Room 8 are getting ready for the Weetbix Tryathlon 2011. Here is a link to the official website so you can find out any information you need to enter.
Tuesday 15th March - Ashhurst School Athletics Day
Don't forget to bring your sunhat and an energy packed lunch and drink bottle! Room 8 had a huge chat about supporting classmates today at school so I hope to see you all supporting each other on the day.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Remember Tararua Swimming Sports Wednesday 9th March!
Bring a energy packed lunch, filled drink bottle and two towels if possible.
Starts at 9.15