Independent Writing

.This is a page for you to write independently during our writing rotation! Remember there is an audience reading your story, so be creative!!

Character Description
Describe this person using a range of juicy adjectives. Think of his facial expression and physical appearance. What kind of personality traits do you think he has? Try to paint a picture with your words.

Independent Writing - Week 10 - Describe a setting
Paint pictures with words!
Remember to leave your first name


  1. This man has firey orange hair that curls up. He is fierce like a lion that roars! His eyebrows reach his eyes because he is frowning. His cheeks are very chubby like a baby. He has a nose that looks like a popcorn piece, but I wouldn't want to eat it. His ears are round and flappy.

    He looks like an angry man and you wouldn't want to mess with him in a dark alley way.

    By Room 8

  2. The booming screeching bell rings through the school like a siren,as the
    children sprint out of there classrooms and jog to the playground with
    excitement and power. The teachers waddle around like penguins as they keep an eye out for the children running around the playground happily,
    suddenly the screeching bell rings again as the children race to there
    classrooms, while others just slowly walk.

    by ella

  3. the blueberry playground twinkled in the rosy sun as the kids jungled there favorite playground. the metal and the wooden parts are mostly wonderful for little monkeys to swing off and on. but an like most jungles there is no shade and the yellow and blue handle bars get sweetie like a puffing buffalo ruing away from a cheater in south africa.

    from jayme

  4. Wow! what a fantastic description of a setting you have both written! I especially like the start of yours, Ella, and Jayme you have used lots of metaphors and similes to describe the playground. They both give me a clear and detailed picture in my head of the school grounds.

  5. thank you miss davidsoni wonderwhats going to happen on the last day of school


  6. As the bell rings through the classes on a summer day the children beg there teachers to go out into the burning sun. The teachers say to the kids to wear their sun hats it to sunny to not wear your hats. The bell rings once more to warn the children to go to class a lot of the kids run the others just walk once everyone is in class the teachers do the roll then its back to work

  7. the dinging bell rings just like that. There are flower beds blooming and grass as green as can be. Next I look at the playground what a sight, so much to play on. all the kids were playing on there favorite thing!!! what should I go on i think . then i finally choose the spinning thing, it went so fast i had to hop of Then the bell rings . I think where do i go? what does it mean? who do i ask? Then I ask a kid what does the bell mean? the kid replays "it means that it is the end of your journey and it is learning time".

  8. round and round goes the spining thing that i was on on the playground. then suddenly ring ring screaming loud goes the school bell to say mornig teas over.before i head on back to class i stop to look at the old wooden picnic tables and smell the fresh grass that looks like it was moed 5 minutes ago

    by paris

  9. the shados cover the path when the sun shines the ancnt bushis cover the mloldy wood. The cracked blak concrek leds you to the piknik tabls we never yos . Ther are six rond tabals the green gras covers the legs of tabls like a pilo.Ther is a gray metal fence about chest hite to a child ther is six yelows polse to keep the fence up. In the midil of the pinke gronds ther is a green circle wiht a closes tree.

    by chloe
